Izgara bonfile, kuskonmaz,brokoli, kizarmis kare patates ve Bernaise sos.
Etleri karabiber ve deniz tuzuyla tatlandirdiktan sonra 3 er dakika iki yuzunude izagara yaptim(ortadan az pismis bir kivama denk geliyor bu bizim sevdigimiz sekli ama zamani uzatabilirsiniz)
sebzeleri dise degecek sekilde cok pismeden hasladim ve sarimsakli zeytinyaginda 10saniye soteledim ve patatesler kizardi.Afiyet olsun.
3 yorum:
My compliment for your blog and pictures included,I encourage you to photoblog
Even week another photo album
Greetings from Italy and good holidays to you
I couldnt response earlier but Thank u very much for your compliment.
Hey feride! My mom made your steak (she is half Turkish so she reads turkish) and my family LOVED it I when she made it for the guests everyone wanted the recipe!!!! Do you have any other recipes including meat?
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